
Good stuff, Paul! I'm looking forward to your future installments. God is unfathomably mysterious. I struggled with it for many years. Finally, it sunk in that "a God of my understanding" as the 12 steppers propound, would not be a God at all. Prayer is likewise very mysterious--some answered, some not. But, I cling to idea of Tim Keller's: "When we pray, God always gives us what we would ask Him for if we knew everything He knows." All prayers are answered even when the answer is beyond unpalatable. Just because we don't understand what God is doing does not mean that He doesn't. We aren't citizens of this fallen world...we're passing through to our permanent home.

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Sag-on is of course just another blue boy using emotions to delegitimize his counter parts position and avoid the haunting existential crisis his subconscious knows is there.

But for me it also shows just how (brilliantly , silently) tyrannical gynocentricisim and female nature has become.

You nailed it Paul with the fact that all this deference to females is based in fear.


Beta Males are literally petrified of women - as I have seen demonstrated in "facial paralysis" 10K times by betas and children - my children included.

To be fair, I too was once that guy. I'd like to think maybe not quite as pathetic 🤔😉- but nonetheless - I was that guy.

Men build their entire lives - their very existence - around the roles of the romantic narrative. It is their purpose to live - to exist at all.

It took me many years - feeling shame and that fear (to a degree) to break free of the romantic narrative.

I was only able to do so because I had a purpose outside my "marriage". Outside my responsibilities as a Father and Dad. I knew what I was supposed to be doing professionally, and had been doing so in a limited manner during my "marriage"

That fear - that quiet desperation in which the mass of men live their lives may be cured by young men finding their god given purpose in work, in how they want to spend their time making money and with what kind of people - if any - they want to be around while doing it . this may be their only hedge against being absorbed into that gynocentric life of fear and quite desperation.


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Fantastic comment, Craig! I was "that guy" too, about a million times over, for most of my life till I got red pilled.

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Very important to note: White nights SIMPS are not always 'beta's'

MANY SIMPS are Alpha's like that dumb football player who sniffs Taylor's Sh!t

It's safe to say that most football coaches, Police chiefs, Military Generals, church leaders are >SIMPS They too are cowards with wo-MEN.

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Very true Joesph - the romantic narrative is no doubt agnostic to personality type. My son in law is a serious army specialist and I've watched him cower when the mixed company convo drifted into female related subjects - told me he just doesn't want to risk it.

... so it goes

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Paul, you said it so well. Many times, I struggle walking with Christ and questioning his will. I'm like a child having temper tantrums when force to do his will. This is a result of my lack of faith. I sin following my ignorant ego and not working with Christ. I want to tell men that the Western Health system is a product of Humanity. It cannot save you in the end. I believe what will save us is accepting death and our personal walk up Calvary Hill. And if we have lived our life virtuously, Christ will fulfill his promise to us of sharing his eternal Kingdom.

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Amen, James. It's almost comical how I struggle with the basics, lol. I'm thankful that I believe my God has a sense of humor!

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I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s wife.

I often think about things like you described at about 4:45. Like how are some children so loved and taken care of, and how others are neglected and forgotten. When I was in Mariupol Ukraine the orphanages were full, and I even saw a few street children. And I was there risking a lot for one child, my son. Or for those of us who love dogs. Some dogs are born to the streets & hardship, others are loved and live better than many humans. Only God knows why he allows things to play out like they do.

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Good job Paul, it's sad to see Sargon fall so badly

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Hi All,

I am not clear on this. Who/what is Sargon of Akkad? Sorry, just coming into all of this in media res. So very glad to hear of Paul's wife's continued remission.

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Hi Ronald, first thanks for your kind thoughts on Stacey's continued remission. Sargon of Akkad is an allegedly conservative commentator who is quite popular on YouTube. Here's his channel page. https://www.youtube.com/@SargonofAkkad

Cheers, Paul

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As always, So much power here. Glad the prospects are looking good for you & Stacey; we need you back in full force. Sargon is just another Jordan Peter Pan. Interestingly those authors who would peg RED PILL MEN as Peter pans, are in fact the embodiment of those words themselves? Being divorced twice with a Harlot daughter is not the type of experience a MAN should have. Sargon sounds like a PU artist. The notion that a MAN should have to earn a wo-MAN and follow whatever goal posts she sets is right from the PU artist manifesto. Ah, the difference between the brunettes & the blondes.

The difference between Left wing & Right-wing wo-MEN is the difference between transgenders & naturally butch looking fe-MALE athletes.

Gee thanks but NO THANKS!

................................................................Ps. Sargon couldn't hold a candle to Crazy Harry.

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