Jun 7Liked by Paul Elam

Absolutely great talk! I wish I could give it way more than 1 like!

Man.. when you said "it has been said many times that the safest thing any clergy can do from the pulpit is to bash men and to fawn over women", I had flashbacks of the sermon that was preached in my church for this past Mother's Day.

I've heard quite a few Blue Pill sermons and statements come from pulpits throughout my life, but that was probably the worst one I've ever heard.

As you said in your first talk, and as your favorite Bible verse says, I'm going to "speak truth to" (i.e. confront) this person about their "sermon" after I hear what they have to say on Father's Day.

I am so glad you brought up what was at the core of Adam's failure!

After becoming familiar with the concept of gynocentrism (thanks to the you and others in the Manosphere), it became all to clear to me as to what was at the heart of Adam's disobedience: it was the fact that he loved Eve more than he loved God (i.e. a form of gynocentrism).

It was literally this weakness that plunged the entire world into sin... that's mind blowing to ponder.

John MacArthur is the only mainstream preacher that I've ever heard preach anything even close to this viewpoint.

In his sermon "Does the Bible Permit a Woman to Preach?", he said: "The role of women in this authority-submission partnership was designed by God in creation and confirmed in the Fall. What happened was, Eve got out from under the protection of Adam. She was vulnerable; she was deceived. Adam was not deceived; he basically ate willingly. Why? She sinned because she was deceived by Satan; he sinned because he couldn’t live without her. You understand that? She had become everything to him. And when the roles are reversed, the women are deceived, bad things happen. The men are made weak, worse things happen. The whole human race went down with Adam. You tamper with this order, chaos is unending"

Once my eyes were enlightened to this fact, I realized that if that bias towards women was in Adam, then it is certainly in me (and probably close to every other man that has ever existed), and I've since consciously taken steps to battle it just like I do for any other sinful aspect of my physical flesh.

Unfortunately, as you and others have said in the past, I've realized that many (if not most) traditionalists/conservatives are just as gynocentric as your average Feminist, and what's most sad of all is that this statement is equally true of many/most Christians.

Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to next week.

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AGREE with you that Adam was gyno-centric / AKA pussy whipped/ but... I am careful not to buy into the 'Adam failed to 'protect' Eve from being deceived by the serpent narrative, MacArthur is another trad con who blames MEN for wo-MEN'S sins. <>That IS gyno-centrism. What IS true is that Adam followed the wo-MAN instead of GOD and he failed to RESIST her.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 26Liked by Paul Elam

Yea, I don't necessarily agree 100% with John MacArthur's stance on everything as it pertains to men and women, that's why I was careful to phrase it as "preach anything even close to this viewpoint".

He's much closer than most, but I still don't think he goes quite as far as he should/could.

Based on my observations, by far the biggest way in which gynocentrism manifests in most traditionalists/conservatives/Christians (those three generally go together) is that they praise women to an inordinate degree while holding women accountable to an insufficient degree, and vice versa for men. This really could be said about Feminists as well, it just shows itself in different ways.

They will say phrases such as "behind every great man is a great woman" (inordinate praise) while never once uttering its logical counterpart "behind every vile man is a vile woman" (insufficient accountability).

Or they will say "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" (inordinate praise) and then proceed to blame men (whether explicitly or implicitly) for the awful state that the world is in even though their prior comments indicate that "women rule the world", so in reality the women are the ones that should be denigrated and preached at for their failure to make a good world (insufficient accountability).

I view every human's potential to do good and evil as a pendulum: the degree to which you are capable of doing good is the same degree to which you are capable of doing evil.

Most people view women as capable of great good, while also believing that the evil they do has a minimal impact. In affect they're saying that the pendulum swings only one way.

If they don't consciousnessly view it this way, they subconsciously act this way by not holding women responsible for their sins.

They will often tell women how to protect themselves from bad men and yet never tell young men how to protect themselves from bad women.

The insinuation here being that women need to be protected from bad men, but not vice versa; that a bad man can ruin a woman's life, but not vice versa; that the wrong man can ruin a woman's family, but not vice versa.

This is not accurate to scripture, because God knew the affect that a bad woman would have on a man and his future children.

Hence the reason that God commanded the Israelites to neither give their daughters to the Pagan nations nor take women from the Pagan nations for their sons in Deuteronomy 7:3.

I hold Eve 100% responsible for her failure, and there's no indication that God did anything other than exactly that.

Although, on the flip side: God does not make trash, so I personally believe that women can have a significant impact, and I view them as equals to men, but I also take that to its logical conclusion and hold them to an equivalent standard of accountability (no room for innocent damsels here) which is where most people fail to go.

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BRILLIANT! I agree with everything you said! Looks like we've taken pagan daughters for our sons.

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Truth to power. Tears in my eyes. A beautiful sad Joy in my heart. Inspiration of the highest order. The truth has a beautiful sadness to it, the type of tears you embrace and would not want to flee from. Comforting tears. The type of tears that make you proud of God and not yourself. The verdict is in. Thank you, Paul, for confirming the verdict. "Wherever TWO or more are gathered in my name, that IS the church"

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Thank you. And you're so right. Church is right here right now.

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Jun 7Liked by Paul Elam

Excellent Paul!!! That was pot on.

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Jun 7Liked by Paul Elam

Great video on very important topic no one talks about, and Simpi-anity classic 😂I’m going to start using that.

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Jun 7Liked by Paul Elam

Great talk - so much to enjoy and listen to repeatedly - your writing is art, Paul.

The one area, in this whole process of mine moving from painful blue boy to actual manhood and actual fatherhood - that I seek to reconcile - is the relentless spidie sense that this is, at its core, a good and evil model - regardless of the current cultural narratives.

Having been a student of the red pill philosophy going on 7 yrs now, as well as experiencing so much blue pill / female hate all my life -

(soliloquy: but man did I have a bounty of top shelf trim 😎 lol)

I am unable to see the behavior of women today as anything less than conscious intent - and not social conditioning.

It appears to me that the removal of any and all constraints - be they moral or otherwise - has simply released the beast completely. Which tells me the beast was just lying in wait - and that is blatantly obvious in the micro tactics and behaviors of the fairer sex.

Love thy enemies is the goal - but I wouldn’t lose any sleep if the hoards of illegals take a pound or two while I work it out.

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"I am unable to see the behavior of women today as anything less than conscious intent - and not social conditioning."

Important point, Craig. I think this pays on all levels. When we assign absolute responsibility to others, and to ourselves, it leaves no wiggle room to shirk. Best way to live possible.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Paul Elam

"I am unable to see the behavior of wo-MEN today as anything less then conscious intent - and not social conditioning" AGREED! wo-MEN aren't held to any kind of agency, but part of it is their own will. MacArthur is part of the problem and he's said things that are still gyno-centric! For ex. He said "The reason wo-MEN are deceived by Satan is because of their tendencies towards kindness, compassion, mercy & care" LOL. Nothing about smaller brains? LOL

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Jun 7Liked by Paul Elam

Completely agree.

Personally I have started a house church with felow Christian men.

Definetly something to look into.

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Jun 8Liked by Paul Elam

Romans 3:23

(Revised Simp Version)

“For all [with Y chromosomes] have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”

I didn’t have red-pill awareness as such until fifteen years after I got out of church world. I can remember being baffled and disturbed by the gynocentrism phenomenon from the beginning and throughout my fourteen-year stint as a church-going Christian.

As a one-time prospective clergyman and a hard worker in church and leadership, I got many views of how the sausage is made. Young man, look sharp and be wise. Don’t get conned into wagering your life on a rigged game.

I like the idea ventured elsewhere in the thread about a freestanding men’s church or spiritual brotherhood. Is anyone working on that already?

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Someone will, I think. If they're not already.

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deletedJun 7Liked by Paul Elam
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Please DON'T be deceived by MacArthur. He also DOESN'T hold wo-MEN accountable. MacArthur said: "The reason wo-MEN are more deceived by Satan is because of their tendencies towards kindness, compassion, mercy & care" NOTHING about their smaller brains!

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