Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

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Great talk, thank you.

Women can’t ‘emote themselves into balance’ and lack of anxiety. What makes them think men can?

They know this idea is bullshit. It’s just bullying and it’s another way to trash men.

Just go your own way. And pursue your peace just like Don is doing.

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Amen, George!

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Very timely, Paul. Great advise.

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Thanks, Kirb.

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As a young man, I still struggle with this.

The only thing that seems to help against anxiety is taking bold action.

When doing so everything fades away, but it seems to return often.

Good message Paul.

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Keep at it, brother. It takes time to undo the damage. You'll get there.

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I will, thank you for the encouragement.

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Great message Paul. I have experienced anxiety my whole life. I try to hide it, but when I cannot, I lash out in uncontrollable anger. Which I regret later in shame. I've recently have been identifying my anger with my lack of faith and separation with God. This has help me more than anything else. It's a work in progress. As I enter into my Sixties, I hope to find more inner peace. As for the cat lady in the elevator, I will ride that elevator, and she has every right to get off and wait for the next one. Thank You

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Good talk, thanks. Just some items that went through my head listening; One, the serenity prayer is still the best antidote to anxiety. Two, an old cliche sums up part of your talk, "the Lord helps those who help themself". Personally I've never thought of those that are anxious as "sinning" by not trusting God, just immature in their faith. Missing some wisdom that would help them.

Three, I'm always amazed at how many people misinterpret "turn the other cheek". It is not about submission, it is about defiance of the enemy. Dude walking into the elevator WAS presenting his other cheek to the shrew. What else ya got lady?! 😎

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Beautifully said, Lee. 24K.

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Another brilliant podcast and another SHARE to Face book. I would share your podcasts everywhere, but I'm banned from Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and just about every social media where I'm told I shouldn't have called wo-MEN whores, prostitutes and DYKES. I get a kick out of your thumbnail of the spoiled princess! Fitting with the entitled wo-MAN on the elevator who put her feelings and comfort before the humanity of a MAN...I just got off you tube where a parade of menopausal/post-menopausal wo-MEN were talking about 'reporting MEN' they felt were creepy. I've noticed a trend of wo-MEN accusing MEN of things THEY themselves are doing on a higher level. Right wing wo-MEN are just as gyno-centric & misandrist as the left maybe more so. The left panders to wo-MEN'S right to commit infanticide and the right panders to wo-MEN'S sports and their demands for protection even though they're trying to be masculine. FATHERS right to joint custody never enters the political, discourse. That it is 99% MOTHERS abusing/castrating their sons and putting them in dresses is NEVER acknowledged even when talking about 'parents' transitioning their children' The 78% of wo-MEN teachers are never blamed for the woke agendas in the schools they talk about all the time. wo-MEN invading BOYS sports, the BOY SCOUTS and the secret service is never admonished as the pre curser to these other things. Apart from my disappointments with Trump... BOY AM I PROUD THAT MEN ARE TAKING THE BLAME FOR PUTTING TRUMP BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

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