Truth, as always Paul, and spoken artfully

My very personal take on this is as follows.

The generational curse that equalizes all men is the romantic lie. It is so because we now know - that in the modern abstract - there is no damsel. It's a hologram, a projection, a facade - that is designed to intoxicate our primal male nature.

It is the women behind the curtain - pulling the strings of those straw men - that is the actual threat, the very real danger.

I am one man who has chosen to be that contrasting perspective to the romantic lie. To attempt be the loving corrective man - in hopes that I may break this curse for my sons. As well it is the only way I can tolerate a woman in my life.

For those who have the metal to take this path - the script is as follows.

- your entire world will rally and collude against you - family and "friends" specifically.

- the disease ( that's slang for mother) will constantly harass and scheme against you to set you up

- you will watch the disease emotionally and possibly physically abuse your kids to shut down any independence they may demonstrate

- the disease will traumatize the children in order to enforce control

- likely there will be a series of males introduced in a frantic attempt by the disease ( again , that's slang for mother ) to force fabricate a "household" and "family unit"

- if you chose to go to court to stop the madness - which is all objectively against the law and often criminal by the state code - you will be drained financially - you will watch the honorable officers of the court bury evidence - fabricate evidence against you - show bias like you cannot believe - and make every effort to destroy you and your relationship with your children. All of course at the expense of your kids.

It will never end and how to live with this is still a work in progress

It is a purpose to be sure - and when you step back and look at all this data and behavioral evidence - combined with scripture - this looks more and more like a battle for souls?

So if the choice is to be a snickering douchey puppet bragging about my kitchen remodel - or - a Man - who took the hardest road available - so his Sons future may avoid PREDICTABLE and PROBABLE despair, ruin or worse ..... well that choice is reflective of who I am and was actually never a choice I had.

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OUTSTANDING articulation! Thanks so much for adding another dose of truth to my day!

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In my opinion, this was the best episode from this series. Paul, you are the only voice I hear that insist that men need to draw the line in the sand and not tolerate disrespect in any shape or form, for any reason. I believe that this leads to the eternal destruction of the Souls of many men in our society. Men, we cannot exist as walking zombies, we must carry the Cross and insist on being Fathers to our children and accept the lashing that will occur.

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Thanks, James. I agree with you 100%. Nobody ever said being a Christian man was supposed to be easy.

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A grand finale to a masterpiece series. As for your first point: Creating the false idol of the harlequin Jesus who enforces wo-MEN'S social privilege' This invokes the Yellowstone series where the white night simp is always rescuing the damsel in distress. I've cursed this series from the beginning and LOL and behold, Kevin Costner himself a victim of divorce rape. In his own words: You tube video: KEVIN COSTNER CLAIMS ESTRANGED WIFE "COMMITTING RELENTLESS JIHAD" DURING DIVORCE.... now why can't he make a series with that title and about that reality? As for the Christ like husband lovingly correcting his wife: I've said for many years this is why fe-MALE shrinks spent the 1970's and 1980's complaining about MEN not giving wo-MEN foreplay. The therapists need therapy themselves. Because MEN have not acted as the head setting boundaries and being an example, so she believes in him. 'Staying in a marriage with a disrespectful wife 'for the sake of the children' "It's cowardice masquerading as concern" Agreed 100% That needs to be a song lyric. Boy I wish I could play the bongo drums for you while you recite these oracles. And electric Flamenco guitar which I hope to do in the not-so-distant future. I'm glad your work is being recognized on You tube. I'm glad you reached over 1000 subscribers. I suspect there's a lot more people viewing your podcast then the comment section would suggest. This episode is so great, I needed the weekend to contemplate what I was going to say. Keep it up brother!

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Thanks for all the great commentary and support Joseph. You're a champ!

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