
Great talk. Churchmen are more ready to defend the so called “honor” of women then they are Gods word.

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Thanks, Cesar. So sad but true.

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Incredible episode Paul! This is going to be a great series. In many ways you've already touched a lot on my request which was to do a series on what a Godly man is supposed to be only taught from a red pill point of view.

I think everything you said was true, and I agree with it 100%.

If I had to guess, I think all of us here want to be Godly men, and probably most of us are fine with some "tough love", but only if this "tough love" comes from someone who has demonstrated that they truly have men's best interest in mind and aren't afraid to hold women accountable to the same degree to which they hold men.

Nearly all Biblical teaching from pretty much any preacher I've heard (and many of whom I really like to listen to and respect greatly... just not on this subject, haha) usually has a heavy bent towards romantic chivalry.

Keep up the great work, Paul!

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Thanks so much, Seth! And you're right about men, IMO.

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A much needed message, Paul! I have gifted 3 or 4 annual subscriptions to this substack page, and I point everyone to it that I can. I hope your other subscribers are spreading the word, too, because this is so very needed.

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Thank you so much for your years of friendship and support, Kirby. One of the great blessings of my life.

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To address the request for what it is we are trying to achieve ?

How about not creating disasters and problems I have to manage and fix!

Bad ideas , cost , and time sucks are an easy place to start. " hey I just found a great deal on a fooz ball table" - turns out to be an hour drive one way only to find the legs don't come off and it won't fit in the vehicle. -- yes if I had taken 10% of my day to verify the opportunity .....

The constant drive to consume is another area

But more to the point of disrespect and malice - correcting that shit does require red pill knowledge as you say Paul - I don't know what is worse - knowing she is being malicious by shaming and manipulation or being ignorant of her intent and pulling out your hair in frustration looking for that water in the empty bucket

I've spent the last 5 years checking all that shit and it does work but it's a lot of conflict and stress

I've been focused on forcing her to accept a lack of reverence for her gender but she never lets up - they never stop completely

I'm looking forward to anything further I can learn here to achieve as much peace and contentment as is realistic

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Understood, Out. I'll do my best to provide.

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Ditto to all the commentors here. 100% agreed that we MEN have to lead by charisma, not by force.

Walking away from disrespect and never letting a disrespectful wo-MAN become a fixture in your life is the best example. Just yesterday a 'Christian/feminist' admonished me on Janice's sub stack with a half page long winded post about how "MEN are 'tasked' with the 'responsibility' of being leaders in the home and the church" while wo-MEN get to have equal authority outside of those institutions! What sense does that make? What purpose does it serve for MEN to have authority in the home and the church, if wo-MEN can subvert that in the world? So, a wo-MAN can enslave a MAN in divorce court and put a condom on a banana in front of a 5-year-old in the school? Isn't the church supposed to be the light to the world? What good is a MAN'S authority in the home and the church, if he's made impotent in the world?

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Amen, Joseph!

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