I don't think I'll ever fully understand the blind delusions of blue pill men.

Even when I was that guy - fully invested in the romantic lie ... 😡 ... , I still could see, if nothing else, that women were hardly the goddesses of Asshad's beliefs. And saw a whole lot more as well.

Of my friends still married, most are objectively miserable and even bitter - yet will call me " a piece of work" and even "ass...le" for simply checking shaming or manipulation from a women.

I have one buddy who is still living his exit nightmare - 2nd one - and last Mother's Day posted "Mother's are the most essential role in our society" ....😳 .. my poor Canadian friend.

Knowing is supposed to come from doing - but that does not hold true for most men -

It really does vex me.

The guys currently married and clinging to the romantic ethos ? Total waste of time - may as well try to fix stupid.

I myself have made it a strategic principle to show my boys what has been done to them (and myself) ,and continues to a degree of course, by their mother - is not just wrong but abusive and criminal

I do so because I believe the truth does set you free and I believe that my boys need to see and accept their mother for who she is by what she has done and does so they may be independent and free from her toxic and destructive control.

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As always, beautifully said, Craig. I raise my Arturo Fuentes to you, good sir!

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It's interesting that even though Sargon understands and sees the behavior of modern women - as both disgusting sexually, and abusive towards young men - his mind set is that young men's best approach is to be the warrior monk in response 🤔🤔🤔

The blue pill man gets served a shit sandwich and slapped - he then eats it obediently and thanks his master .... now that's a real man !

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Thank God for your gracious nature Paul. You've forgiven Sargon for his willful ignorance. Willful ignorance is a sin. He subconsciously has disdain for modern wo-MEN and their whoredoms just as RED PILL MEN do. He subconsciously sees RED PILL MEN'S gripes and gives validity to them. He knows what we know! BUT... he doesn't think it's politically advantageous. It is noteworthy that your moral rectitude reflects in your respect for the truth even if it accredits a momentary lapse of conscious from the opponent. Well done, Paul.

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Great analysis. I used to subscribe to Podcast of the Lotus Eaters but I unsubscribed a few months ago when Carl started ramping up this blue/purple pill rhetoric. It’s sad more than anything. Not too long ago it seemed as though he had potential. But he seems to have succumbed to the desire to be liked and accepted.

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Excellent talk. I hat is a “Twitter anon” anyway?? What a pompous ass.

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