IMO - the male delusion and ignorance regarding female nature will always result in their loss - both personally and at the societal level

Women do what they want. They plan for it, for when they want, and how they want - and that is how it is - until for whatever reason - they cannot.

Then they change tactics without even thinking about altering their end game

Blue pill fools - aka 90% of men - prance around with an arrogance of moral superiority completely oblivious to the fact that their devoted and angelic better half is literally mocking and laughing at them the second they leave the room - most often with their girlfriends and Chardonnay - I've watched it, seen it, and heard it all my adult life - only recognizing it after red pills.

Women placate their men and puff them up because they know it is the singularity, perfect methodology to covertly manipulate weak men. They are master puppeteers so skilled the puppets tend their own strings and knots.

Almost every syllable women utter - in public, in private, on video ... is a manipulation of male nature - puff up - "your a real man if you ..." or deflate "your not a real man if you ..." - both serve their agenda and if it's not clear 😉😂 - their agenda does not beneficially factor in their big strong man.

So Saggy, bend a knee, walk boldly 2 steps behind - it matters not - you are the useful idiot of women.

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Man, you should be writing on this platform!

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It's my therapy Paul

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You have skills, my dude.

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I'd phased out for a minute staring at the screen, and morosely started reading again, but thought It was your comment I was reading, haha. Yeah, this guy could write MRA peotry, lol.

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BRILLIANT! More! I just had to leave a group

(Worldwide congregate chatroom) because the administrator allowed 304's & ho3's tell him to grow up and leave his RED PILLED friends, and... he gave her a hearted comment!

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Great video, white knighting for votes 🤦🏻‍♂️, I always hate it when I hear this argument. I like what you said about integrity is more important than who’s in the White House.

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Great episode, Paul.

I've been an avid watcher of Carl for many years now, from the "This Week in Stupid" days, in fact.

That is why I watched these videos with apprehension. Apprehension because I knew he had abandoned his anti-feminist roots, but because I knew it was probably way worse than I realised.

And it was.

I'm about to watch a video on a book called "The Manipulated Man", by Esther Vilar. It looks unreal (the book). I assume you've heard of it, and the furore surrounding it at the time. What are your thoughts on it?


(The artist formerly known as Bongo) ;-)

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Thanks, Graeme. And yes, I've heard of it. MUST READING!! Vilar nailed things down with great aplomb. Here's the book for your enjoyment.


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Thanks, Paul. She is indeed deft, yet unflinching, in her approach to these subjects. Thank you for the PDF, I'm reading the introduction right now.

How terrible are we (as humans) at listening to a voice, essentially crying out in the wilderness? Terrible it seems....

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Hey, I never received an email for this episode. Is something wrong?

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Absolutely no idea about that, Joseph. This platform has several glitches, like it frequently wipes out my "likes" on comments. The only thing I can suggest is to contact them about the problem. Please let me know how it goes. Thanks!

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